Category: Books
Editor: Publication Office of the European Union Luxembourg
Pages: 248
ISBN: 978-92-9213-108-1
Year: 2010
File: Europes_ecological_backbone.pdf
Link: Link Download file
Note: Employee(s) of the DDNIRD that contributed to the work: MIERLĂ Marian - author of chapter 2 - section 2.1, chapter 3 - section 3.2.1 and chapter 9 - section 9.2

Hits: 7943


Europe's ecological backbone: recognising the true value of mountains

Author(s): -

Employee(s) of the DDNIRD that contributed to the work:
MIERLĂ Marian - author of chapter 2 - section 2.1, chapter 3 - section 3.2.1 and chapter 9 - section 9.2

No. of pages: 248 (size: 210 x 297 mm)
ISBN 978-92-9213-108-1 (EEA Report No. 6 / 2010 - ISSN 1725-9177 )
Publishing house: Office for Official Publications of the European Union
Printed in 2010 in: Denmark (Copenhagen)

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