- Year: 2022
- Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
- Hits: 2115
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)
Scientific Editorial BoardDr. V. Abaza, National Inst
- Year: 2021
- Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
- Hits: 1846
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)
Scientific Editorial Board▪ Prof. Dr. Z.S. Andreopo
- Year: 2019
- Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
- Hits: 2920
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)
Editorial Board▪ Prof. Dr. Z.S. Andreopoulou, Arist
- Year: 2018
- Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
- Hits: 6329
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)
Editorial BoardDr. Marian TUDOR“Danube Delta” Nat
- Year: 2017
- Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
- Hits: 3923
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)Editor(s): TUDOR Marian, TÖRÖK LilianaN
- Year: 2015
- Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
- Hits: 4139
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)
Editor(s):TÖRÖK LilianaNo. of p
- Year: 2015
- Category: DELTAICA
- Hits: 4146
DELTAICAISSN 2286-0789Title: Vizibilitatea activităţilor de cercetare prin publicaţiile elaborate
- Year: 2015
- Category: DELTAICA
- Hits: 4283
DELTAICAISSN 2286-0789Title: Institutul Naţional de cercetare Dezvoltare "Delta Dunării" Tulcea -
- Year: 2015
- Category: DELTAICA
- Hits: 4107
DELTAICAISSN 2286-0789Title: Noi date asupra prezenţei marilor peşti migratori anadromi în M
- Year: 2014
- Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
- Hits: 4067
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)Editor(s): TÖRÖK LilianaNo. of pages:&n
- Year: 2013
- Category: DELTAICA
- Hits: 4381
Realizarea publicației DELTAICA nr. 1 a fost suportată din fondurile Institutului Național de Cer
- Year: 2013
- Category: DELTAICA
- Hits: 12261
DELTAICAISSN 2286-0789Title: Ortopterele din Rezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării Author: Gabriel LU