Alexandria Book Library


Publication by same author

Cover of Ecological  quality  assessment  of  Eastern  Black  Sea  streams  of  Turkey: a case study of Firti na, İkizdere and Çağlayan

Ecological quality assessment of Eastern Black Sea streams of Turkey: a case study of Firti na, İkizdere and Çağlayan

Year: 2014
Hits: 5309
Articol Indexat doi: 10.7427/DDI.20.04 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the p
Cover of Seasonal variations of trace metals of Eastern Black Sea streams of  Turkey: a case study of Firtina, İkizdere and Çağlayan

Seasonal variations of trace metals of Eastern Black Sea streams of Turkey: a case study of Firtina, İkizdere and Çağlayan

Year: 2014
Hits: 9200
Articol Indexat doi: 10.7427/DDI.20.05 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the p
Cover of The   preliminary   observations   of   anthropogenic   effects   on   the  benthic   macroinvertebrate   communities   in   the   brooks   of   the  Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey:  Çağlayan and Ikizdere

The preliminary observations of anthropogenic effects on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the brooks of the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey: Çağlayan and Ikizdere

Year: 2014
Hits: 7769
Articol Indexat doi: 10.7427/DDI.20.08 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the p
Cover of Seasonal  changes  in  the  marine  litter  in  the  Eastern  Black  Sea  Region of Turkey

Seasonal changes in the marine litter in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey

Year: 2014
Hits: 7718
Articol Indexat doi: 10.7427/DDI.20.12 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the p
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