Alexandria Book Library


National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology – GeoEcoMar, Bucharest,

Publication by same author

Cover of 27. Using of GIS Techniques to Assess the Spatial Changes of the Fluvial Islands in the Corabia Area – Bechet Harbor Sector (Km 626-679) between 1910-2017

27. Using of GIS Techniques to Assess the Spatial Changes of the Fluvial Islands in the Corabia Area – Bechet Harbor Sector (Km 626-679) between 1910-2017

Year: 2019
Hits: 5608
DOI - PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page
Cover of 06. Evolution of danubian islets from Balta Ialomitei hydrographic system (Km 345-241) between 1908-2016

06. Evolution of danubian islets from Balta Ialomitei hydrographic system (Km 345-241) between 1908-2016

Year: 2018
Hits: 4957
DOI - PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page
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